The Cal Praesidio Soft Shell
One of Virginia Tech’s Newest 5 Star Rated Helmets.
By utilizing a single layer or multiple layers of variable durometer (think density, although it’s more complicated than that) foams, we are able to dramatically reduce impact forces and reduce the severity and incidence of concussion.
5 Star Rated Helmets perform the very best at reducing impact forces and protecting athletes from TBI and concussion.
“A helmet's rating is comprised of two components: the STAR score and the number of stars.
STAR stands for the Summation of Tests for the Analysis of Risk, and the STAR score is calculated based on a helmet's performance in a series of impact tests. The impact conditions are sports-specific and inclusive of the broad range of head impacts that athletes are likely to experience. STAR is based on 2 fundamental concepts: 1) tests are weighted based on how often people experience similar impacts and 2) helmets that lower linear and rotational head acceleration reduce injury risk.
A helmet with a lower score offers better protection. STAR scores are assigned a number of stars to categorize impact performance. The number of stars varies between 1-5, with 5 stars being the best.
The Cal Praesidio is a 5 Star Helmet
***Visit our Merchandise Page to order your Cal Praesidio Soft Shell Helmet Today!***
These methods have been published as peer-reviewed articles in journals such as Annals of Biomedical Engineering.”
For more details on testing and data, visit: